
Dutch TV debut / オランダテレビデビュー

There is one TV programme in Holland, which is called "Nederland helpt". It literally means "Holland helps". The programme introduces people who are helping others and somehow I ended up in the programme...

Just for 6 minutes programme, they spent so much time and efforts.  First it started with e-mail communication and one person came to my house to discuss details.  Then the TV crew came to the concert in Zoetermeer and had a shoot there.  It means they came 3 hours before the concert and checked the sound, lights etc and spent the whole evening.  Then the crew came to my house with the TV presenter and I had interview with him.

In total, they spent more than 8 hours for the 6 minutes.  The end result was superb! They made a beautiful story out of an ordinary person like me.  So, I really respect their professionalism.  At the same time, this experience makes me realise how much work involved in such a scene.  As an audience we usually watch only a fancy surface but it is built on the so many people's so much efforts...  In short, it was great experience thanks to them!

If you are interested to watch the programme, you can check this link although everything is in Dutch.

オランダのテレビ番組に "Nederland helpt"というのがあります。文字通り訳すと「オランダが助ける」となります。私も今回の話があるまで知らなかったのですが、どうやら人助けをしている人を紹介する番組で、色々あって私がその番組に出ることになったのです。






Benefit concert on 15 April / チャリティーコンサート4月15日

The last one month, Japan Helpen kan! has held so many benefit concerts in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Zoetermeer, Den Haag etc.  This one was the one of the last benefit concerts and planned finally in Utrecht where I live.

Unfortunately, there were a lot of concerts & events during that week until Easter.  
So we had a problem to get audience but I was grateful that I got a lot of supports from so many people.  So THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Now 1 month has passed since the earthquake and it is time for us to think about our mid-long term support instead of benefit concerts.  It will be very challenging to think about something but I am confident that we will make it again!  Let's see how it goes.  If you have any idea, please let me know!

過去1ヶ月Japan Helpen kan!としてオランダ各地 (Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Zoetermeer, Den Haagなど)でチャリティーコンサートを開催してきました。今回は、一連のコンサートとしては最後となり、私の住むユトレヒトでの初めてのコンサートとなりました。

残念ながらこの週からイースターにかけて、様々なコンサートやイベントがあり、集客はなかなか難しいものがありました。とはいえ、またもや様々な方に助けて頂きコンサートができたことは、やはりありがたい事だと思います。ということで、お世話になった方、ありがとうございました。m(_ _)m



Benefit concert on 10 April / チャリティーコンサート4月10日

This concert was originally organised by a friend of mine and her friends. It was their annual concert for their pupils.  I was asked to play a piece already in the beginning of this year and I decided to join just for fun.

Then the earthquake happened and my friend & her friends became active fund-raisers within Japan Helpen kan!.  Within no time, they decided to make this concert as a fund-raising concert of Japan Helpen kan!.

So the concert had still the atmosphere of the friendly annual concert for kids but participants, their family & friends donated for the good cause. In the end, we raised about EUR 1,000.  Thank you everyone!!!

Due to the purpose of this concert, we had chosen a piece that kids can also enjoy. So, we did our best to make them laugh. The below is the video of our performance and hopefully you can enjoy...


その後3月に東日本大震災が起こり、この友人達はJapan Helpen kan!のチャリティーイベントの中心的存在になりました。そしてすぐに彼らはこの発表会をもJapan Helpen kan!の義援金集めの為のチャリティーコンサートにしてしまったのでした。

とはいえ、コンサート自体は発表会なので、子供達の為のその雰囲気は残したまま、参加者の子供達、その家族や友人達が寄付に参加してくださいました。最終的には1,000ユーロほどの義援金が集まりました。皆様、ご協力どうもありがとうございましたm(_ _)m

