Finally I had a chance to play the piano for one of the events organised by Japan Helpen kan! It was in the Oude Kerk, Zoetermeer on 2 April. We had about 150 audience and raised EUR 2,607. Knowing there were children, I assume each adult probably donated about EUR 20. Of course it is not only about money but I am so grateful that we were again(!) supported by so many people with good heart...
The concert consisted of many performers with different kind of music such as improvisation with organ, jazz, Japanese songs, etc. It was very enjoyable also for me. We finished the concert with the song, "Ue wo muite arukou" by Kyu Sakamoto, known as "Sukiyaki" song in Europe. Because all Japanese including audience sang the song together, it created a special friendly atomospher and we ended with standing ovation.
So, I am going to organise another benefit concert on 15 April in the St. Willibrorduskerk Utrecht. I think I am also going to arrange different kind of music and hopefully we can sing "Ue wo muite arukou" again!!!
p.s. For information about all events you can check at ->
The concert consisted of many performers with different kind of music such as improvisation with organ, jazz, Japanese songs, etc. It was very enjoyable also for me. We finished the concert with the song, "Ue wo muite arukou" by Kyu Sakamoto, known as "Sukiyaki" song in Europe. Because all Japanese including audience sang the song together, it created a special friendly atomospher and we ended with standing ovation.
So, I am going to organise another benefit concert on 15 April in the St. Willibrorduskerk Utrecht. I think I am also going to arrange different kind of music and hopefully we can sing "Ue wo muite arukou" again!!!
p.s. For information about all events you can check at ->
やっとピアニストとしてJapan Helpen kan!のイベントで出番がもらえたので、4月2日ZoetermeerのOude Kerkまで行ってきました。当日は観客約150人、義援金は2,607ユーロ集まりました。お子さんもいらっしゃったことを考えると、多分大人1人に付き20ユーロの寄付を頂いたのではないかと思います。お金が全てではありませんが、毎回このようにサポート頂ける皆様の優しい心に感謝、感謝です。
ということで4月15日ユトレヒトのSt. Willibrorduskerkでまたチャリティーコンサートの予定なのですが、ここでもまた様々なジャンルの曲からなるコンサート&「上を向いて歩こう」の合唱でシメとなるように出来るといいなぁと思ってます。